
Movie gifs

Here at Train Wreck Theater we are dedicated to giving you the full experience of a movie (when we feel like it)!

Below find some handmade, artisan gifs made by our very own Paul and offered here free to use in your texting and your twittering and anywhere gifs are needed.

Showgirls (1995)

Showgirls (1995) is a cult classic about a young woman (Nomi) running off to Las Vegas after a tumultuous childhood. She befriends a kindly costume designer and moves in with her and then becomes a stipper to make ends meet while she pursues her dream of being a dancer. Ultimately she lands a gig on a Vegas Topless Review and the story evolves from there (the rest, I believe, would constitute spoilers).

We reviewed Showgirls for Episode 24 of Train Wreck Theater available March 18, 2021. Our assessment of the movie was, let's say, mixed. The storming out and arm flailing that Nomi (played by Elizabeth Berkley of Saved By The Bell fame) were credited as a large part of why she never really got any major roles again after this movie. The director of the movie has supposedly apologized to her as he asked her to flail and act like that but the critics saw it as an under-prepared actor doing a terrible job in a movie without a lot of sense of direction.

This is one of the least family-friendly movies we've reviewed on Train Wreck Theater (and that is saying something) as it has a lot of depictions of sexual harassment and assault. It brings up a lot of serious issues that have plagued not just the Vegas showgirls community but countless other industries. Had this movie had more of an impact it is possible that it could have jump started a precursor to the #MeToo movement, but the lack of direction, the overacting, the gratuitous nudity, and the sub-par dialog left it in the discount bin of movie history.

The previous gifs are from the 1995 movie Showgirls and are offered here free for use. We do not own any rights to the movie showgirls and these images are used under fair use in order for us to review and comedically riff on the movie for episode 24 of Train Wreck Theater.