
Peter started as an occasional special guest on Train Wreck but we loved him so much we ask him to join us every week now!

Peter lives in the California Bay Area and can turn anything into art or fun or awesomeness. His knowledge of cheesy and goofy movies runs deep and he is always a fantastic addition to any conversation.


1. Who would you rather have a beer chugging contest against JCVD or Steven Segal?

Answer: Steven Segal makes me wanna chug Drãno just to look at him, so Van Damme for the win!

2. Can anything happen on Halloween?

Answer: Anything can happen at any time, really; after all, every day is magic if you’re doing it right. (Costume not required, but VEHEMENTLY encouraged!)

3. Is Drop Dead Fred the greatest movie of your childhood or the greatest nightmare of your adult years?

Answer: I wouldn’t say “greatest”, but I remember thinking it was funny at the time. (I was a BIG Young Ones fan, so that might have a lot to do with my opinion.)

4. Which person under the stairs do you most identify with? Why?

Answer: Harry Potter, because I, too, am a closet wizard destined for great things. Or if that’s too out-of-the-box of an answer, then one of Roach’s nameless, pale, melty-faced roomies; the one that’s forever making upscale art out of undigested teeth and clumps of hair.

5. Which historical figure from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure would you want to watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with?

Answer: Not sure, I never went on Bill & Ted’s adventure, excellent or otherwise.

6. Which would you rather have as a pet? Gonk from Elvira or the doggie from the beginning of The Room?

Answer: Psshaw, Gonk! As if!

7. How many times are you willing to let Rowdy Roddy Piper hit you before you put on the sunglasses?

Answer: Depends...Hit me where? And with what?

8. Would you rather be trapped for 48 hours in the Devil's Tomb with Henry Rollins or in the Time Cop car with JCVD?

Answer: Henry Rollins everytime!

9. Would you rather sleep with Johnny alone, or sleep with Lisa, but Johnny and Denny watch (obviously, they will critique you the whole time)?

Answer: Oh, hi! I, like Lisa, would rather sleep with Mark. Alone or with an audience, it matters not to me.

10. Who do you think you would be able to beat in a bare knuckle fist fight? Micheal Ironsides from Total Recall or Ironsides from Starship Troopers?

Answer: Neither, but I’d rather tussle with Starship Troopers Ironsides for sure. Woof! (Does it HAVE to be a fist fight? Why not baby-oil wrestling instead? I might actually stand a chance there.)

11. If you could swap faces, a la Face/Off, with anyone, who would it be?

Answer: 25 year old me, duh! Or Zac fucking Effron, if time travel’s gonna be a problem.

12. What's the best drink to down during a terrible movie?

Answer: Shots of whatever grab-bag boozelhol.

13. What's the best drink to down during a great movie?

Answer: Shots of whatever grab-bag boozelhol. With friends!

14. Would you rather watch the worst movie you've ever seen every week for the rest of your life, or never watch your favorite movie ever again?

Answer: What if your favorite movie IS the worst movie you’ve ever seen?

15. What terrible movie would you like to see Donald Trump trapped in for eternity?

Answer: Salò, or the 120 days of Sodom