
Juno is the producer and metaphorical cat herder of the show keeping the rest of the crew on topic.

She is also the de facto in charge person of our social media presence, you can check out her tweets @TWrecktheater


Who would you rather have a beer chugging contest against JCVD or Steven Segal?

JCVD, so I could wager that the winner has to do the splits and then I’d lose on purpose, even though, I think I might be able to beat him.

Can anything happen on Halloween?

Yep, a dog could turn into a cat!

Is Drop Dead Fred the greatest movie of your childhood or the greatest nightmare of your adult years?

Greatest of my childhood, and I realize that may cause some people to doubt my mental stability. I’m at peace with that.

Which person under the stairs do you most identify with? Why?

I’d have to say Roach because he’s really doing his best during a trying time. He tries to keep spirits high through his cheeky antics. He’s also got a big heart and he is very sentimental, e.g. he collects a lot of garbage.

Which historical figure from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure would you want to watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with?

This is a tough one. Billy the Kid would be the most fun, Sigmund Freud would bring some excellent party favors, but I really want to support women, so I have to go with Joan of Arc, even though, she’d likely be a buzzkill with her religious proclivities.

Which would you rather have as a pet? Gonk from Elvira or the doggie from the beginning of The Room?

Doggie from The Room does seem like a chill, lil sweetie, but I have to go with Gonk because she has a great personality, and can turn into almost any other animal, so it’s like having multiple doggies in one.

How many times are you willing to let Rowdy Roddy Piper hit you before you put on the sunglasses?

0, I’d happily put those sunglasses on, but maybe I’d let him hit me once, just so I could feel something.

Would you rather be trapped for 48 hours in the Devil's Tomb with Henry Rollins or in the Time Cop car with JCVD?

Devil’s Tomb with Rollins, and I’d request he would put on a one man show for me, if you know what I mean, hey oh!

Would you rather sleep with Johnny alone, or sleep with Lisa, but Johnny and Denny watch (obviously, they will critique you the whole time)?

Ugh, I’d rather be celibate, but if I have to choose, I guess with Johnny because he wouldn’t actually have sex with me, only my bellybutton.

Who do you think you would be able to beat in a bare knuckle fist fight? Michael Ironsides from Total Recall or Ironsides from Starship Troopers?

Total Recall Ironsides. Starship Trooper Ironsides is like a trained, military super bug killer.

If you could swap faces, a la Face/Off, with anyone, who would it be?

Sigourney Weaver, the baddiest baddie on earth.

What's the best drink to down during a terrible movie?

Tequila or edibles, or both sometimes

What's the best drink to down during a great movie?

Red wine/Claws

Would you rather watch the worst movie you've ever seen every week for the rest of your life, or never watch your favorite movie ever again?

I’d rather watch the worst movie I’ve ever seen every week, because I watch terrible movies all the time, I'm not afraid.

What terrible movie would you like to see Donald Trump trapped in for eternity?

Hellraiser, duh