Caryl Anne

Caryl Anne joined Train Wreck Theater as a special guest and quickly became a recurring part of the Wrecking Crew. She is amazing and lovely and hilarious and everyone should find her and give her a hug after this pandemic is over.

Caryl Anne loves all sorts of movies but especially loves cheesy horror and off-the-wall independant flicks.


1. Who would you rather have a beer chugging contest against JCVD or Steven Segal?

Answer: Steven Segal because I think he's a lightweight. Without doing a shred of research I picture him being super into health and so he probably only drinks the occasional Japanese beer to seem cultured when he goes out with friends. I can drink liquor, not a lot, but I think I can out-drink him.

2. Can anything happen on Halloween?

Answer: yes, just like any other day except it's more exciting because it's Halloween.

3. Is Drop Dead Fred the greatest movie of your childhood or the greatest nightmare of your adult years?

Answer: no because I saw it only once in my twenties and don't remember it that well. Why do I feel like I'm gonna get shit about this from Moore….

4. Which person under the stairs do you most identify with? Why?

Answer: the Babadook. He's the physical embodiment of grief and one of very few horror movies that gave me the creeps. (He was under the stairs right??)

5. Which historical figure from Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure would you want to watch Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure with?

Answer: Bill & Ted. Technically they're historical so I'm counting it.

6. Which would you rather have as a pet? Gonk from Elvira or the doggie from the beginning of The Room?

Answer: Gonk. Didn't know that was its name.

7. How many times are you willing to let Rowdy Roddy Piper hit you before you put on the sunglasses?

Answer: repeatedly. Until I forget the last four years.

8. Would you rather be trapped for 48 hours in the Devil's Tomb with Henry Rollins or in the Time Cop car with JCVD?

Answer: Henry Rollins! So many questions. So much fun! What a freaking character….

9. Would you rather sleep with Johnny alone, or sleep with Lisa, but Johnny and Denny watch (obviously, they will critique you the whole time)?

Answer: ewwwww… my poor belly button. I suppose I'd pick Lisa because there's a chance I could still look in the mirror after some time has passed. If I'd let Johnny into my belly button I'd set fire to any room with a mirror. (Easy in a room filled with 800 candles and everything covered in sheets)

10. Who do you think you would be able to beat in a bare knuckle fist fight? Micheal Ironsides from Total Recall or Ironsides from Starship Troopers?

Answer: Ironsides from Starship Troopers. I haven't seen Total Recall since childhood. (Why do I again feel like I'm gonna get shit from Moore about this….)

11. If you could swap faces, a la Face/Off, with anyone, who would it be?

Answer: pretty bold of you to assume I haven't already done that and have been doing it for years.

12. What's the best drink to down during a terrible movie?

Answer: I'd say th-*static*- or even ma-*static*

13. What's the best drink to down during a great movie?

Answer: crap I think my WiFi is glitching. Did you not get my answer the first time?

14. Would you rather watch the worst movie you've ever seen every week for the rest of your life, or never watch your favorite movie ever again?

Answer: never watch my favourite movie again. There are some truly rotten films that induce a rage in me I don't want to revisit anytime soon (let alone weekly for life)

15. What terrible movie would you like to see Donald Trump trapped in for eternity?

Answer: Emil's slow death in Robocop. Or maybe the dude that gets curb stomped in American History X (except that's a good movie). Wait. The question was just being trapped in a movie, huh? Why did I start thinking of horrible deaths…..?